
WavePad Sound Editor Masters v5.22 Full + Serial Key

WavePad Sound Editor Masters v5.22 Full + Serial Key perangkat lunak editing audio adalah audio dengan fitur lengkap profesional dan editor musik untuk Windows dan Mac. Ini memungkinkan Anda merekam dan mengedit musik, suara dan rekaman audio lainnya. Ketika mengedit file audio, Anda dapat memotong, menyalin dan menyisipkan bagian rekaman, dan kemudian menambahkan efek seperti gema, amplifikasi dan pengurangan kebisingan. WavePad bekerja sebagai wav atau mp3 editor, tetapi juga mendukung sejumlah format file lainnya termasuk vox, gsm, wma, real audio, au, aif, flac, ogg, dan banyak lagi.

Fitur : 

  • Sound editing functions include cut, copy, paste, delete, insert, silence, auto-trim and more
  • Audio effects include amplify, normalize, equalizer, envelope, reverb, echo, reverse and many more
  • Integrated VST plugin support gives professionals access to thousands of additional tools and effects
  • Supports almost all audio and music file formats including mp3, wav, vox, gsm, wma, au, aif, flac, real audio, ogg, aac, m4a, mid, amr, and many more
  • Batch processing allows you to apply effects and/or convert thousands of files as a single function
  • Scrub, search and bookmark audio for precise editing
  • Create bookmarks and regions to easily find, recall and assemble segments of long audio files
  • Tools include spectral analysis (FFT), speech synthesis (text-to-speech), and voice changer
  • Audio restoration features including noise reduction and click pop removal
  • Supports sample rates from 6 to 196kHz, stereo or mono, 8, 16, 24 or 32 bits
  • Works directly with MixPad multi-track audio mixing and Express Burn CD Recorder
  • Easy to use interface will have you editing in minutes

Instal :
1. Ekstrak
2. Install WavePad
3. Run programnya > Tools > Register Upgrade to Master's Edition > Enter Serial key
4. Enjoy

Link Download : 

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